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metal corrosion at top of storage tank repaired with bonded metal plates

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For internal and external rehab of tank shells, roofs, and bottoms, Banks Industrial Group (BIG) provides Soccer games|Best Website_Corrosion tends to increase. Corrosion, settlement damage, and Soccer games other natural hazards can quickly reduce a tank’s reliability and increase the total cost of ownership by:

  • Damaging weld seams and other vulnerable tank parts
  • Producing product leaks and hazardous material cleanup
  • Causing unexpected tank failures and associated downtime

To keep tanks safe, operational, and up-to-code, BIG offers quick and convenient storage tank repair services. Our team uses durable, cold-curing Belzona composite repair systems to rapidly mend the damages and leaks that result from corrosion and tank settlement. Belzona’s cold-curing qualities eliminate the need for time-consuming hot work, enabling our team to complete repairs in a matter of days, often with little to no downtime.

Need Tank Repair?

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Safe Cold Curing BIG’s cold-curing Belzona polymeric repair compounds eliminate the need for time-consuming hot work
Chemical Resistance Belzona polymeric repair compounds offer excellent resistance against acids, alkalis, and other corrosive chemicals
Long-Lasting Performance Belzona repair can be Soccer live score a permanent solution to storage tank corrosion and general damages
Rapid Application BIG’s repair team can service your storage tank in a matter of days with minimal to no downtime
Diverse Solutions Formulations available for wet, oily surfaces, and hot/cold applications
Simplified Maintenance Long-lasting Belzona repairs simplify tank maintenance procedures for lower overall maintenance costs
Longer Asset Service Life Belzona repairs extend storage tank service lives, reducing capital expenditures
Custom Solutions Available BIG’s team creates custom engineered solutions to solve unique worksite issues

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Storage tank corrosion increases the risk of tank leaks, safety hazards, environmental damage, and loss of productivity due to shutdown. Corrosion often develops in hard-to-inspect areas—such as under insulation or within tank interiors. Over time, undetected corrosion can cause dangerous deterioration and force unexpected periods of downtime.

Traditional repair methods for thin-wall and through-wall tank corrosion are time-consuming, Soccer game online difficult, and frequently complicated by operational circumstances. For example, patch plates and other forms of hot work pose dangerous risks in potentially flammable and explosive environments. 

To avoid dangerous workplace accidents, weld repairs often require a complete tank shut down so that a technician team can safely empty, clean, and mend the damaged area—causing a significant loss of productivity in the process. In other instances, operating conditions, complex geometries, replacement part availability, and/or damage severity can prohibit welded repairs altogether.

holed tank wall repair

Before and after, Belzona cold bonded plates seal through-wall damage to repair tank wall.

Fiber wrap tank repair

Belzona fiber wrap repair of thin-wall condition shown in process.

storage tank floating roof repair

Belzona used to safely repair corroded area of storage tank floating roof and avoid shut-down.

Cold-Curing Belzona Repair Compounds Improve the Storage Tank Repair Process

Banks Industrial Group offers a safe, time-saving alternative to traditional welding: Belzona polymeric repair compounds. Belzona thin-wall/through-wall Soccer games repair compounds provide solutions comparable to, or stronger than, similarly welded repairs. Belzona compounds quickly cure at ambient temperature and do not require hot work. Tank repairs now take place within one or two days—not multiple weeks. In most cases, external tank repairs proceed while the tank remains in service.

BIG’s repair team provides durable and long-lasting repair of storage tank corrosion/erosion damage with minimal to no downtime. With the help of BIG’s storage tank repair services, you can extend the life of your tank without losing the time and money associated with conventional maintenance.

The primary techniques we use include polymeric metal rebuilding, cold plate bonding, and reinforced fiber wraps as determined by the specific application.

Repair solutions include:

Check out these tutorials for using Belzona polymeric repair compounds:
weld seam sealing

Belzona used to restore and seal deteriorated weld seams shown in this tank bottom.

Belzona used to seal bolted seams in storage tank shell

Before and after, corroded seam repaired with Belzona cold bond materials.

Banks Industrial Group is Your Source for Storage Tank Repair Services

Banks Industrial Group provides single-source service for storage tank repairs including corrosion damage, seam sealing, and leak repair. Find out how we can help maximize efficiency and reduce downtime with our storage tank repair services.

Banks Industrial Group specializes in above-ground storage tank insulation, protective coatings, concrete, and related maintenance and repair services. Our innovative, and cost-saving solutions help keep your facility running efficiently. For more information about our storage tank repair services and other industrial solutions, Soccer game online|Best today by calling 856-687-2227.