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Gunite Concrete Repairs

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Reduce downtime and shut-down duration with dry-mix gunite applied concrete and refractory

Banks Industrial Group make available a range of refractory repair and gunite services for maintenance of concrete and masonry structures within petrochemical, Soccer games chemical, power generation, steel and aluminum facilities. Our experienced crews help to keep your operation efficient and productive by quickly rebuilding and restoring deteriorated concrete, firebrick and refractory.

  • Rapidly restore lost productivity after an unforeseen refractory failure
  • Suitable for concrete linings and coating of pipelines, tanks, tunnels, curves and complex geometries
  • Soccer live score Repair and rehab concrete walls, slabs, sewers and vaults
  • Easily patch areas of damaged firebrick and refractory lining
  • Refractory is extremely heat resistant which can be further increased with specialized aggregates
  • Very high shear strength bond to concrete, brick, rock, tile, stone or steel substrate
  • Provides a smooth, hard surface resistant to weathering and chemical attack
  • Quickly take care of soil stabilization and backfill applications

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