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banksindustrial Mar 23, 2017 10:05:00 AM
Soccer games

Spring Cleaning arrived a few days early for the Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey! RMHSNJ supports Soccer live score families of seriously ill children receiving treatment from local hospitals by providing a home-away-from-home.

On March 18th, Banks Industrial Group, LLC volunteered their services to provide the RMHSNJ with a more organized toy pantry. RMHSNJ serves over 800 families per year at their flagship property in Camden and over 13,000 families use their 11 family rooms at 9 area hospitals. To support those demands, RMHSNJ keeps a pantry stocked with snacks, coffee, fruit, cereal, paper towels, dish detergent, and of course, toys. Soccer game online The RMHSNJ faced an unorganized heap of toys donated after the end of the Christmas season. BIG’s employees stepped up to provide some order to the problem.

16 employees and their spouses from BIG volunteered six hours of their Saturday morning on March 18th, 2017 to impact the community of the RMHSNJ. Donating over $1,800 worth of materials, the BIG volunteers installed 17 shelving units and transformed the RMHSNJ toy pantry into a storage space organized by age and toy category.

Seeing firsthand the impact of RMHSNJ’s mission left a lasting impact on BIG’soccer games today s employees,they pooled donations to become a Casa Sponsor. This sponsorship will provide a family with a one-year stay at the Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey and adds to an existing sponsorship by BIG President Gary Banks and his wife Kathy.

“Thank you for sharing your expertise and time… we could’ve never cleaned and reorganized without your miraculous team.”
  – Ms. Ann “Teddy” Thomas, Executive Director of The Ronald McDonald House

“We are overwhelmed by your generosity and the donation of sturdy metal Soccer live score shelves - they are PERFECT. We now have access to all our toys and art supplies. SPRING cleaning came a few days early and we couldn’t be any happier.”
  – Ms. Tina Fiorentino, Director of Development at The Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey

For more about Banks Industrial Group’s experience with the Ronald McDonald House, please see our soccer games today|Best.