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Soccer game online

banksindustrial Mar 7, 2018 1:30:00 PM
soccer games today – Banks Industrial Group employees Aria Chambers and Stacey Hall volunteered to answer the phones in support of the Ninth Annual CBS3 and CW Philly "Change the Luck of a Child" Telethon for the benefit of Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region. The telethon was able to raise in $1,202,377 in just 14 hours!

RMH helps seriously ill children and their families by providing a supportive place for them to stay during treatment. 90% of its funding comes from individuals and corporate donors. While it costs soccer games today RMH 9 a night per family to provide housing and supportive services, families are only asked to contribute $15 per night. No one is ever turned away due to inability to pay.

Banks Industrial Group is happy to support and sponsor the Philadelphia RMH and we are proud of the volunteer work done by Aria and Stacey.