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soccer games today

Aria Chambers Jan 7, 2019 3:47:00 PM

football games today scores January 4, 2019 - Out with the old, and in with the new! The Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey received a BIG help with packing away their Christmas decorations.

7 Banks Industrial Group employees volunteered their Saturday morning to lend a helping hand to RMHSNJ by taking down and storing Christmas decorations until next year. RMHSNJ serves over 800 families per year at their flagship property in Camden, and over 13,000 families use their 11 family rooms at 9 local Soccer game online hospitals. To bring the families extra cheer during the holiday season, RMHSNJ decorates the house with the works; 4 Christmas trees, winter village displays, wreaths and snowflakes donning every wall, and staple Nutcracker Soldiers bringing good luck and protecting the home.

The morning was filled with compassion and teamwork as the decorations were carefully packed away for safe-keeping. Volunteers enjoyed the event so much that BIG volunteered to return for set-up and tear-down soccer games today of next year’s holiday decorations for the Ronald McDonald House. We can accomplish great things working as a team and our employees prove that with their commitment to BIG core value #1: "Family First." We are happy to be part of the BIG family over at RMHSNJ.

"Thank you all for a fantastic Saturday morning and a great job in making Christmas disappear until next year. With so many hands it was a fairly easy job, and I am totally amazed that you could get it into the shed. "
- Ann Soccer game online "Teddy" Thomas, Executive Director of Ronald McDonald Southern New Jersey

For more about Banks Industrial Group’s experience with the Ronald McDonald House, please see our Soccer games|Best